Convocatoria para la constitución de Bolsa de trabajo de Auxiliar Administrativo/a, para cubrir como funcionario/a interino/a cualquiera de las necesidades que puedan surgir respecto de bajas, permisos y licencias del personal auxiliar-administrativo del Ayuntamiento de Andújar, o sea necesario reforzar los servicios derivado de acumulación de trabajo o se den cualquiera de los demás supuestos recogidos legalmente.
Titulación requerida. Estar en posesión o en condiciones de obtener en la fecha en que termine el plazo de presentación de instancias del Título de Graduado Escolar, FP1, ESO o Equivalente, considerándose como equivalente el Certificado de Escolaridad, así como el Certificado de Estudios Primarios.
Solicitudes. La solicitud se presentará en el Registro General del Ayuntamiento de Andújar o en cualquiera de los lugares establecidos en el artículo 16 de la Ley 39/2015, de 1 de octubre, del Procedimiento Administrativo Común de las Administraciones Públicas.
Documentación. Las instancias se presentarán junto a: DNI, Declaración acreditando poseer la capacidad funcional para el desempeño del puesto de trabajo, Titulación requerida, Declaración del aspirante de que reúne todas y cada una de las condiciones y requisitos exigidos, referidos siempre a la fecha de expiración del plazo de presentación de solicitudes e Indicación sobre las adaptaciones necesarias, para realizar las pruebas, en caso de presentar alguna discapacidad que no afecte a la capacidad funcional para el desempeño de las tareas del puesto de trabajo. Plazo. El plazo de solicitud será de 10 días naturales a partir del siguiente al de la publicación del anuncio
de convocatoria en el BOP; hasta el 13 de enero de 2020.
Proceso de selección. El proceso selectivo se llevará a cabo mediante Oposición, que constará de:
1. Primer ejercicio. Consistirá en la realización de una prueba teórica tipo test, según el temario contenido en el anexo de las Bases.
2. Segundo ejercicio. Consistirá en desarrollar por escrito uno o varios supuestos prácticos propuesto por el Tribunal Calificador, relacionado con las funciones a desempeñar y el temario contenido en el anexo.
Constitución de la Bolsa de Empleo. Los/as aspirantes que superen todas las pruebas formarán parte de una bolsa de trabajo. Se ordenarán de mayor a menor puntuación. Serán llamados, en base al orden de la lista, siendo de aplicación los criterios de llamamiento y funcionamiento de las bolsas de trabajo de la presente Corporación publicado en BOP de fecha 3 de Julio de 2018.
This is my testimony about the good work of priest wisdom who help me.... I'm Ann Earnis from north Carolina USA. And am sorry for putting this on net but i will have to, by this world best spell caster that brought back my husband who left me out for past 3 years, i eventually me t this man on a blog site posting by one of is client for help, i explained everything to him and he told me about a spell caster that he had heard about and he gave me an email address to write to the spell caster to tell him my problems. In just 1 days, my husband was back to me. I just want to say thank you to this truthful and sincere spell caster, sir all you told me have come to pass and thank you sir. Please i want to tell everyone who is looking for any solution to their problem, i advice you to kindly consult this spell caster, he is real,he is powerful and whatever the spell caster tell is what will happen, because all what the spell caster told me came to pass. You can kindly contact him on: his email address is or directly on whats-app +2348124644470 or
This is my testimony about the good work of priest wisdom who help me.... I'm Ann Earnis from north Carolina USA. And am sorry for putting this on net but i will have to, by this world best spell caster that brought back my husband who left me out for past 3 years, i eventually me t this man on a blog site posting by one of is client for help, i explained everything to him and he told me about a spell caster that he had heard about and he gave me an email address to write to the spell caster to tell him my problems. In just 1 days, my husband was back to me. I just want to say thank you to this truthful and sincere spell caster, sir all you told me have come to pass and thank you sir. Please i want to tell everyone who is looking for any solution to their problem, i advice you to kindly consult this spell caster, he is real,he is powerful and whatever the spell caster tell is what will happen, because all what the spell caster told me came to pass. You can kindly contact him on: his email address is or directly on whats-app +2348124644470 or
My husband and I have been married for about 7 yrs now. We were happily married with two kids, a boy and a girl. 3 months ago, I started to notice some strange behavior from him and a few weeks later I found out that my husband is seeing someone. He started coming home late from work, he hardly care about me or the kids anymore, Sometimes he goes out and doesn't even come back home for about 2-3 days. I did all I could to rectify this problem but all to no avail. I became very worried and needed help. As I was browsing through the Internet one day, I came across a website that suggested that Dr Great can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he did a spell for me. Two days later, my husband came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promise never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I and my family are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr Great . If you need a spell caster that can cast a spell that truly works, I suggest you contact him. He will not disappoint you. This is his E-mail: or
WhatsApp +2348118829899
ResponderEliminarI want to give a big thanks to a great spell caster commonly known as DR TAKUTA for the great spiritual prayers he did in my life by bringing my ex-lover back to me after many months of breakup and loneliness. With this, I am convinced that you are sent to this word to rescue people from heartbreaks and also to help us get the solution to every relationship problem. for those of you out there who have one relationship problem or the other why not contact DR TAKUTA. that is the best place you can solve all your problems, including a lack of jobs and promotions, binding and marriage spells, divorce and attraction spells, good luck and lotto spells, fertility, and pregnancy spells, and also the business success and customer increase, winning court cases and many more. contact him at or contact mobile contact +27788634102